New Features

ilobby policy politics Aug 24, 2018

Here are some new features on iLobby:

  • Mini status report
  • Personalized tracking leaderboard
  • Free training 
  • Dynamic search
  • Integrated arguments



Hey, I want to show you some cool things that are coming up in the site. The first thing that we have is when you log in, in case you don't realize right up here, after you've logged in, you've got a status report of how you're doing on your debates. The next thing is if you go take a look at discover great debates, you'll see that on your debates, anything that you've looked at has little icon showing whether or not you voted on it, whether you're following it, whether you have pledged any virtual money or if you've actually shared. Great idea and don't forget you have free training up here. If you sign up for free training. And finally if you have anything that you want to search for, I'm going to put in Mark Levin up it comes. So there you go. Three or four quick ways of some of the new features on iLobby and one more thing, integrated arguments. You can have arguments in support on one side right here and the opposition arguments on the other side and that makes all the difference in the world.



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